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The Dockwray Memorial Here lyeth interred the  Body of
Vicar of this CHURCH: Son and
Succesour of the Reverend THOMAS
DOCKWRAY D.D. who was Chaplaine
to and Slaine with The Right
Honourable the Earle of SANDWICH
in that Great Engagement with ye
Dutch May the 28th 1672

The said STEPHEN departed this life
September the 20th 1687
THOMAS his Son  Aprill ye 13th 1676

The Memorial tablet  to Stephen Dockwray, a former Vicar, uses more space on the fact  that his father died alongside the Earl of Sandwich who was killed by fire-ships in the Battle of Solebay 15 years earlier, than on Stephen himself.

The Battle of Solebay, off the coast of Suffolk, was the opening battle of the Third Anglo-Dutch War, 1672-74.